How our Network works

The GREENPEG Experts’ Network is a team providing low environmental impact tools and services to explore for pegmatites.

Exploration services

Exploration project planning

Guidance on selection of tools and tool combinations

Desk studies, field guidance and provision of available tools and services

Process for using the Network


Discover the scope of the GREENPEG Toolset (open access)


Submit an enquiry form with client contact details and description of requirements

What happens next



If work deemed feasible, coordinator will offer a no-cost 30-minute online consultation. An NDA is drawn up between the client and relevant Expert(s)


Relevant expert(s) will recommend appropriate services and tools and draft a quote


Quote is sent to client and a follow-up meeting arranged for detailed planning


Contract is drawn up and arrangements made to undertake the job. Following completion of the job, an invoice is sent to the client

Submit an enquiry form